Our Blog:

Happening in Lakeview
and Roscoe Village

Carisa Marconet Carisa Marconet


Many Businesses in Lakeview and Roscoe Village are Hiring! Check out the Chamber's Job Board here 寻找新的工作机会,比如发型师、救生员、护士、商业教练等等! If you are a business who is hiring, out to erik@lrvcc.org with assistance uploading your job descriptions.

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Carisa Marconet Carisa Marconet


Here at the Lakeview Roscoe Village Chamber of Commerce, 我们的目标是提升和促进当地企业,使来个加拿大28的APP成为现实. With that in mind, 我们很高兴地宣布最近几家企业和新地点的盛大开幕:开始力量健身房, Kids’ Work, and Beige.

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Happy Pride Month!
Carisa Marconet Carisa Marconet

Happy Pride Month!

Happy Pride Month! 🏳️‍🌈 Love is love. Our chamber is proud to support our LGBTQIA residents and business owners. How are you showing your pride? Here are some ways to celebrate in Lakeview & Roscoe Village.

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Shop & Dine in Roscoe Village at Roscoe Street-ery This WeekenD
Carisa Marconet Carisa Marconet

Shop & Dine in Roscoe Village at Roscoe Street-ery This WeekenD

Shop, dine & 罗斯科村社区瑜伽将于本周五在罗斯科街举行, June 24 - Sunday, June 26, organized by local restaurants. 这个项目提供从Damen到Seeley的罗斯科街(Roscoe St)的街头餐饮 & 4th weekends from May - October. 在罗斯科街的周末,在当地的商店购物,出示你的收据,在参与的餐馆享受特价!

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Shop Low-Line Market On Tuesdays & Enter the Loyalty Shopper Raffle Program
Carisa Marconet Carisa Marconet

Shop Low-Line Market On Tuesdays & Enter the Loyalty Shopper Raffle Program

每周二下午3点至7点,在Southport Brown Line站的Low-Line Market购买新鲜食品, local produce and other delicious foods from local farmers and vendors. 注册市场电子通讯,以接收有关供应商的每周更新, kids activities, live music and more! Plus, 每周参加免费市场抽奖,您将有机会成为三个幸运获奖者之一,每月从供应商那里获得惊人的奖品包!

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Shop Roscoe Village Farmers Market on Sundays from 8am - 12pm
Carisa Marconet Carisa Marconet

Shop Roscoe Village Farmers Market on Sundays from 8am - 12pm

罗斯科村农贸市场于周日上午8点至下午12点在Jahn Elementary (3149 N)举行. Wolcott) from June 12 - October 9, 2022. Shop the market weekly for high-quality produce, proteins, cheese, fresh baked bread, specialty drinks, ready to eat meals, sweets, flowers, and more from local farms and vendors. 此外,享受特别节目,如免费锻炼,家庭友好活动和现场音乐! Check out the list of vendors coming to the market this summer, schedule of free workouts at the market, 并注册罗斯科村农贸市场通讯,接收市场最新动态, the weekly vendor schedule & more!

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Roscoe Village Farmers Market Opening Day is This Sunday, June 12!
Carisa Marconet Carisa Marconet

Roscoe Village Farmers Market Opening Day is This Sunday, June 12!

罗斯科村农贸市场每周日上午8点至下午12点在Jahn Elementary (3149 N)开放. Wolcott) from June 12 - October 9, 2022. Shop the market weekly for high-quality produce, proteins, cheese, fresh baked bread, specialty drinks, ready to eat meals, sweets, flowers, and more from local farms and vendors. 此外,享受特别节目,如免费锻炼,家庭友好活动和现场音乐! Check out the list of vendors coming to the market this summer, schedule of free workouts at the market, 并注册罗斯科村农贸市场通讯,接收市场最新动态, the weekly vendor schedule & more!

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Shop Low-Line Market On Tuesdays & Sign Up to Market eNewsletter
Carisa Marconet Carisa Marconet

Shop Low-Line Market On Tuesdays & Sign Up to Market eNewsletter

每周二下午3点至7点,在Southport Brown Line站的Low-Line Market购买新鲜食品, local produce and other delicious foods from local farmers and vendors. 注册市场电子通讯,以接收有关供应商的每周更新, kids activities, live music and more! Plus, 一定要参加免费市场抽奖,每周你购物,你有机会成为三个幸运的赢家之一,赢得来自供应商每月惊人的奖品包!

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Lincoln is Open For Business During Construction!
Carisa Marconet Carisa Marconet

Lincoln is Open For Business During Construction!

从贝尔蒙特到惠灵顿的林肯大道在CDOT建设项目期间开放营业. Our neighborhood businesses need your support now more than ever. 要注意在当地购物,并在施工期间支持林肯大道的企业. 人行道将在整个建设过程中开放,目前汽车可以停在林肯的北部/东部. 继续阅读以了解更多关于该建设项目的信息,并查看在贝尔蒙特和惠灵顿之间支持的林肯大道企业.

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Carisa Marconet Carisa Marconet

City of Chicago’s Security Camera Rebate Program Launches

芝加哥市启动了家庭和商业保护计划(HBPP),以确保芝加哥人能够使用私人安全设备来保护他们的财产并感到安全. Starting June 6, 市政府将提供部分回扣,以支付与户外安全摄像系统相关的费用, cloud storage for video footage, outdoor motion-sensor lighting, vehicle GPS trackers, and subscription costs.

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Support Local for Your Father’s Day Gifts
Carisa Marconet Carisa Marconet

Support Local for Your Father’s Day Gifts

Father’s Day is almost here! Wondering what to get the dads in your life? Check out our blog post for some ideas, 包括在附近商店和当地景点为父亲寻找完美礼物的特别折扣!

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Volunteer at the Roscoe Village Burger Fest Beer Tents!
Carisa Marconet Carisa Marconet

Volunteer at the Roscoe Village Burger Fest Beer Tents!

在周日的罗斯科村汉堡节饮料帐篷里当志愿者,畅饮啤酒,支持你的社区, July 17! 你们将在饮料帐篷里做志愿者,所得小费将用于支持湖景镇罗斯科村商会和当地商业社区. Volunteers must be 21+. Learn more and sign up for a shift time today!

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Spend Memorial Day Weekend in Lakeview & Roscoe Village
Carisa Marconet Carisa Marconet

Spend Memorial Day Weekend in Lakeview & Roscoe Village

As you gather with friends and family on Memorial Day, 花点时间向那些在军队中英勇牺牲的人们致敬. Memorial Day weekend also marks the kick-off of summer, 所以我们整理了一些关于如何在湖景镇和罗斯科村度过周末的想法.

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Get Your Ticket to PorchFest Lakeview on Sunday, June 5
Carisa Marconet Carisa Marconet

Get Your Ticket to PorchFest Lakeview on Sunday, June 5

Join us for PorchFest Lakeview taking place on Sunday, 6月5日下午1点至5点,40名当地音乐家将在湖景城的15个前廊表演. Get your ticket today before ticket prices rise on Monday, May 30! Receive an event guide with porch locations, music schedule, 当地的商业折扣和在附近可以做什么的行程.

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Shop & Dine in Roscoe Village at Roscoe Street-ery Starting This Friday, May 27!
Carisa Marconet Carisa Marconet

Shop & Dine in Roscoe Village at Roscoe Street-ery Starting This Friday, May 27!

5月27日至29日,在罗斯科村购物和用餐,参加罗斯科街街的开球周末, organized by local restaurants, offering on-street dining on Roscoe St from Damen to Seeley on the 2nd & 4th weekends from May - October. 在罗斯科街的周末,在当地的商店购物,出示你的收据,在参与的餐馆享受特价!

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Carisa Marconet Carisa Marconet

Upcoming Construction Projects In Lakeview

NOTICE: CDOT's Lincoln-Ashland-Belmont Section 2 Improvements starts soon. As CDOT states, “在整个施工过程中,街道将对驾车者和行人开放,并保持通往企业的通道。. In order to keep the street open to traffic, parking will not be allowed in the area of active construction. 此外,一些小街将定期实行停车限制. Additionally, CTA routes will not be affected.”

Additionally, 阿什兰从贝尔蒙特到艾迪森的沥青修复工作将于本周或下周开始,以重新铺设去年受水干线工程影响的部分. 这项工作将部分扰乱交通,因为在铺设新一层沥青之前,现有的沥青将被移除.

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Roscoe Village Farmers Market 2022 Vendors Announced
Carisa Marconet Carisa Marconet

Roscoe Village Farmers Market 2022 Vendors Announced

罗斯科村农贸市场每周日上午8点至下午12点在Jahn Elementary (3149 N)开放. Wolcott) from June 12 - October 9, 2022. Shop the market weekly for high-quality produce, proteins, cheese, fresh baked bread, specialty drinks, ready to eat meals, sweets, flowers, and more from local farms and vendors. 此外,享受特别节目,如免费锻炼,家庭友好活动和现场音乐! 查看今年夏天来市场的供应商名单,并注册罗斯科村农贸市场通讯,接收市场动态的更新, the weekly vendor schedule & more!

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Low-Line Market Opening Day on Tuesday, June 7
Carisa Marconet Carisa Marconet

Low-Line Market Opening Day on Tuesday, June 7

Low-Line Market Opening Day is less than two weeks away! 今年的集市于6月7日至10月11日每周二下午3点至7点在Southport Brown Line站举行. 购买美味的当地农产品、肉类、奶酪、鲜花、蜂蜜等等! 市场很自豪地接受伊利诺伊州补充营养援助计划的LINK卡.

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Business Spotlight - Konbini & Kanpai
Carisa Marconet Carisa Marconet

Business Spotlight - Konbini & Kanpai

Konbini & Kanpai opened in August 2021 by wife & husband pair Naomi Hattori & Jun-Jun Vichaikul. 这对夫妇想把他们对日本Konbini(便利店)的喜爱与精心挑选的精酿啤酒结合起来, wine and sake in Lakeview. Kanpai(日语中的“干杯”)是一个关于你如何购买酒带走和在商店里喝的游戏.

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